Wednesday 17 May 2017

Bloggers & Plagiarism

Taken from Google Images

Taken from Google Images
In this digital era, plagiarism is one type of a digital disease. It is considered as a serious issue all over the Internet. Those who do not know about plagiarism. Let me explain more about it. When one steals someone else's publication, content, story, photo, video, or anything else and put it on their own website claiming as their own, this is called Plagiarism. Borrowing someone else's  work without giving them their credits. If original author's work goes viral over the internet and simultaneously one who copied his work without informing the original author, make approximately the same as the original author earns. The plagiarist makes so much money without any hard work, and the hard work, research of original author totally goes into the drain.

Mainly the new Bloggers and new Youtubers are the chief plagiarists. Maximum new starters do not have any idea of their contents. They want to get a more popular in short time. So they check other blogger's posts and YouTuber's videos with an idea for their own work. And finally, they get no idea about their content. They start copying others. These plagiarists are of many types.

Types of  Plagiarists:

  1. The first category of plagiarists is mostly lazy. They do not bother about editing or something. They just select an entire blog post and copy it to their own blog. Here also original author's hard work goes directly into the drain.                                                                                                      
  2. The second type of plagiarists is a little bit watchful. These people do not copy the entire post. They only make small adjustments in the post. They think that these small adjustments will make that post as their own. Then they put it on their blog, claiming as their own post.                 
  3. These are the most cautious plagiarists on the internet. They put their maximum effort on the editing. And also spend a lot of time in editing. Let me explain more about it. Suppose, if the original post is in an active voice, the person who copies it works hard to transform all the active voice into the passive voice.                                                                                                       
  4. And some people only change the title and keep the entire post as same. 

Finding your own content is not so much hard that you have to copy others. You need to think about what can you do. And you need a lot of research work to have a perfect idea about your content. Sir Philip Sydney once said in his sonnet no.1 from Astrophel and Stella",
"look in thy heart and write"   
which means stop looking at other author's works, just look into your heart and write it down.

Saturday 13 May 2017


Hello guys, here I am with another new post. Today we are gonna talk about Photography. It is actually very popular these days. Now the thing is, what is it? what is photography? I searched it in Google, Google explains it as "the art or practice of taking and processing photographs". It is a very simple thing you see. There is nothing to be worried. Go grab your camera, start clicking photos.
Taken from Google
That is all you need. Capture those wonderful moments, festivals, special events, and many other occasions. So this is, what it is called Photography. But the complex thing is, in those photographs, there is no art. It is a bunch of memories in digital form. The art of photography lies in how you are conveying your message through your photographs, the more you will make your photographs a strong one. How you are expressing your feelings and emotions in your photographs. It is up to you how you see this world. Do not mean it literally, every human being sees the world in the same manner. I am talking about the perspective. If you have different perspective over your surroundings, definitely you will be appreciated through photography. You do not need the upgraded latest equipment to make your photographs beautiful. You just need to be at the right place at the right moment.

The word "Photography" has been derived from the Greek words φῶς (phos) meaning "light" and γραφή(graphê) meaning "drawing", together it means 'light-drawing', this is how the word 'photography' came in front of the world.

Nowadays people are madly crazy about it all over the world. It is actually a cool thing to click some awesome photographs. To let other people know how you see this world. A few months ago I read a Facebook post, its title was "Benefits of dating a Photographer". They gave a point in their post that he(photographer) can stop the time for her. The funniest thing about it is that actually, it is true. A photographer can stop the time in his/her photo. As for example, someone clicked a photo of a drop of a water. In his photo he stopped the time, he captured the small splash of the drop of water at the right moment. There is a lot of things to learn in photography.

If someone thinks that he is really good in photography and he wants to make it as his profession, he should go ahead. It is a really good idea. There are many people who are looking for good photos for their magazines. They can also go for newspapers, click photographs for them. Photography is a good choice to get appointed.

Friday 12 May 2017

How to create a Gmail account


         Hello guys, today we are gonna talk about How to Create a Gmail Account. Now a days email IDs has taken a huge part in our life. In other words we can say that email ID is a compulsory thing. Everyone must have their own IDs, because these days institutions, industries, companies and even schools and colleges and many more educational sectors exchange their information through these email accounts or email IDs. It is a reliable form of communication that is free and easily accessible. I have chosen one of a Google's services which is called Gmail. It is free email account and with almost unlimited storage capacity, along with sending mails and receiving mails through Internet. 

Here we go guys,
1. Open 

          Just open any Internet browser. It can be Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or anything else. Go to the link, and then click on the 'Google apps' icon which is at the upper right side corner, beside the 'Sign in' button. And if you are using a cellphone, then normally search 'gmail account' in search engine. Then enter in the Google's Gmail service. 

2. Create Account

            After that a this page will appear. Simply click on the 'Create an account' button. Then again a new page will appear.

3. Name and other information

          Enter all the following needs. 

  • Firstly enter your name and last name, suppose your name is Edward Kenway, then write 'Edward' in the first column and 'Kenway' in the second. 
  • After that make your user name (example- 
  • Choose your password, it is up to you what you want to put in your password. Remember guys make your passwords a bit harder.
  • In the next column rewrite your password. Google just confirms that you have written the password correctly.
  • Then give your birthday date, month and year.
  • Select your gender, if you are a boy then select 'male' and if you are girl then select 'female', if you are trans-gender then click 'other'. And there is a another option, if you do not want to mention about gender then hit the 'rather not say' option.
  • Enter your cell number. And do not forget to select your country before putting your cell number.
  • If you already have a email ID in other websites except Gmail then give tour alternate Email ID. If you do not have any then leave blank, no need to write anything.
  • And in the last option only select your Country.
And finally guys we are done for this page. Click on the 'Next Step' button. 

4. Privacy and Terms


        When you are done with the name and information page, this page will appear. It is all about Google's Privacy, Terms and Conditions. Scroll it down and hit the 'Agree'  button. If want to read all those terms and conditions, you can read but if  you really want have a Email ID in Gmail in the end you have to click 'Agree'  button. If you ignore those terms and conditions and clicked 'Agree' , then nothing will happen you will just save your precious time.

5. The Welcome Page

        There you go guys your Email ID is almost ready. Simply click 'Continue to Gmail' button. A new loading page will appear in your screen.

6. Gmail

         And Finally guys your Gmail ID is ready to use. Send your emails and receive your emails, do whatever you want to do with your Gmail ID